Incident Types
Accounting / Audit Related Complaints or Concerns- The purposeful, unethical or questionable recording of accounting or auditing matters. Examples may include: fraud; deliberate errors related to financial statements; noncompliance with accounting controls; misinterpretations or false statements to or by senior officers regarding financial records; or deviation from full and fair reporting of the company's financial condition.
Bribery and Kickbacks- The offering or acceptance of money or other incentives to persuade someone to do something, especially something illegal or unethical.
Code of Ethics Violation- Violation relating to the organization's code of ethics.
Compliance/Regulation Violations- Violations of or failure to comply with a rule, regulation, law, operating procedure, past practice or protocol for any aspect of the Company.
Corporate Scandal- A conspiracy to engage in and conduct illegal, unethical and grossly inappropriate behavior at a corporate level.
Customer Mistreatment- Failure to treat customers in a professional, business-like manner by being abusive, unresponsive or rude.
Discrimination- The denial of normal privileges or rights to one or more individuals based on an individual's race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, gender (sex), age, religion, national origin, level of education, political affiliation, physical appearance or disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.
Embezzlement- The willful and intentional taking of money or property by a person who has been entrusted with the money or other assets for that person's own use or gain.
Ethics Violation- An act that defies decent behavior or a governing principle. Activities not conforming to or in accordance with established conduct of right and wrong and moral character.
Harassment- Unwanted, on-going verbal or physical behavior of an inappropriate nature. The unwarranted threat to cause bodily harm to another person or harm to another person's property. Examples may include acts of threatening, intimidating, stalking, taunting, gesturing, staring, pestering, hang-up telephone calls, obscene telephone calls, postal mail, or e-mails.
Identity Theft- Fraud that involves someone pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. The use of another person's identity for personal gain.
Information Security- Improper disclosures over the Company’s computer network, such as posting confidential information to websites, the sending or receipt of harassing or threatening emails, etc.
Misconduct- Calculated and/or intentionally unlawful and unethical behavior. Misconduct can be any conscious attempt to infringe a statute or norm.
Policy Violation- A violation relating to the organization's policies.
Retaliation- Any form of discrimination involving action(s) against an individual because he or she has either opposed an unlawful employment practice or made a charge, testified, assisted or participated in an investigation, proceeding or hearing involving employment discrimination.
Sexual Harassment- Unwanted and offensive sexual advances or sexually offensive remarks or acts, especially made by one in a superior or supervisory position or when acquiescence to such behavior is a condition of continued employment, promotion, or satisfactory evaluation. Examples may include unwanted conversation, obscene gestures, comments, jokes, touching of a sexual or lewd nature, staring/leering or whistling.
Substance Abuse- The illegal or inappropriate use of drugs or alcohol, whether purchased legally (prescription) or illegally (street drugs). Substance abuse is also the misuse of any substance, whether controlled by Federal law or not, such that when put into one's body it is contrary to the substance's intended use. Examples may involve the use of alcohol, marijuana, narcotics, amphetamines, depressants, stimulants, aerosol sprays (inhalants), hallucinogens, or prescription drugs.
Theft or Vandalism- The illegal taking of property belonging to someone else without consent. The intent is to permanently deprive the owner of property, and then use this property as one's own. The emphasis is on a crime against property, not people. Vandalism is the act of ransacking, plundering, looting, breaking, littering, or spoiling property.
Threat of Violence- Words or actions of an unlawful intent, which can be clearly expressed, hidden, and/or veiled, that threaten to inflict bodily harm on someone or someone's property and are made to intimidate, terrorize, frighten, harass, taunt, bully, or coerce. A threat of violence can also be made in order to extort favors, influence, or anything else of value from the target of the threat.
Unsafe Work Conditions- The workplace contains conditions where employees may be injured or killed, or their short-term or long-term health may be adversely impacted. These conditions could be caused by a worker, a team of workers, negligence, or by company policy. Examples may include: poor lighting; unstable storing of materials; exposure to hazardous materials; excessive noise; lack of protection; needless exposure to dangerous machinery; lack of protective clothing; or lack of physical security.
Workplace Violence- Any instance in which an employee has exhibited inappropriate behaviors or engaged in conduct that compromises the safety of all of those concerned. An outward demonstration by an individual with the objective to impose harm, injury, or damage to person(s) and/or their property.
Other- Please use this Incident Type if you do not feel that the provided list of incidents describe the activity on which you are making a report.